Technical Writing for the Terrified


Sometimes, it can be beyond corporations’ or individuals’ finances to hire a professional creator to cope with their technical documentation. Although all technical documentation needs to be produced in a great world by way of a noticeably educated expert, we do not live in a perfect world. In the same manner that many human beings will attempt to restore their domestic home equipment, many people will try to write the best technical files. Just as playing with a toaster can result in electrocution, writing technical files from scratch without previous advice will fail in the end. As a rough rule of thumb, you must usually search for a consultant. Still, if for whatever motive you can not, and you are the bad unlucky with documentation responsibilities imposed on them, do not despair. This brief guide outlines some of the core capabilities you will need to convey for your writing, technical conventions to be privy to, software programs you may remember, and specific things to avoid. Hopefully, even if you have never written a sentence on your lifestyles about something vaguely technical, you will have, at the very least, a broader photo of what technical writing includes.

What is Technical Writing?

Technical Writing

Technical writing, unsurprisingly sufficient, refers to technical writing. Although this will appear like a mistaken definition, it is crucial to consider. Too many technical authors make the error of creating documentation that is both too technical or too ‘literary.’ A correct technical author should adjust the balance between the 2 to stop the documentation user. Technical writing is like clean air; it is pervasive yet pretty much invisible. Technical writing is everywhere in the weird, stressed-out world where we find ourselves. Software manuals, user guides for home appliances, instructional leaflets, emails, letters, reports, technical news reviews, statistics, and biographies on television sports activities are all examples of technical writing that humans are exposed to on an everyday basis you’ve ever tried to software the time settings on a home video recorder and flung the guide throughout the room in disgust, you threw a piece of technical writing (even though not a superb one!).

Too normally, technical literature is produced via writers with not a large sufficient hold close of technology or technologists that lack writing down. As a potential technical author, you need to tread the susceptible line of being technically informed for your specialist subject(s) and being a ‘proper’ author (in preference to ‘awful’ writers who can usually be discovered mugging sweet vintage ladies or something). Technical documentation is generally produced for two wonderful user agencies, specifically expert-level and naive users. As a technical author, certainly, one of your first duties is to sort out what target audience you are writing for, which brings me deftly to:

Know thy foe

As the old cliché goes, anybody’s a critic. This is proper for most sane human responses when confronted with technical writing. As highlighted in the example of the video recorder above, technical reports can be impenetrable to a quiet person. If this is the case, whoever wrote the documentation didn’t have the hassle of becoming aware of their target audience and writing to their stage. It appears an obvious point to make, frequently not noted, that the user of the documents you are developing won’t be a professional. Suppose you are creating a report on a selected specialist product for a specific advanced consumer organization (an awesome example may be auditing software for PC system directors). In that case, you may need to compose that in a whole one-of-a-kind manner if you are growing, for instance, a technical manual for mass marketplace laptop software program aimed at the inexperienced domestic person. One of the primary obligations you should accomplish before you even put pen to paper, or the finger to keyboard, is to become aware of who your documents’ consumers can be and construct files aimed toward that particular goal institution(s). If you get this stage accurate, it should avoid your documents being thrown across rooms in annoyance!

Planning for perfection


Once you have identified the target marketplace for the documents you may create, you must devise how the papers can be organized. This technique is essentially dependent on what documentation is being produced. However, you can observe some hard guidelines of thumb. Firstly, if the documents help an especially exact product (together with a computer application), get your grubby arms on it as quickly as possible. By inspecting the product in the element, you could formulate a plan of assault and compose an organizational structure. While exploring the product in detail, take copious notes, as doing this throughout the preliminary exploratory degrees can prevent time, which may be important if you are operating to the closing date. Even at the planning stage, you should ensure consistency in format and organizational shape for the record. Select numbering conventions and paragraph patterns, generate difficult ideas for layout purposes now, and shop critical time later.

Let a Draft in

Before diving headfirst into growing the documentation, draft out every phase first. This will permit reordering if the created files no longer have a logical ‘drift’ without critically affecting the assignment. Many technical documents (particularly for more distinct products) are made of several (and, in some instances, countless) iterations. This is because the product shifts and adjustments over the years. One of the main duties of a technical author is to stay abreast of these modifications and ensure that they are all properly documented. Good technical authors will continually push their documents via as many drafts as possible, refining every breeze until they attain a function whereby they (and their corporation) are glad the documentation is well-timed and accurate. A true reflection of the product or system it files.

The devil is inside the element.

As already diagnosed, technical writing is known as that because it’s far technical. Part of being technical is to be specific, and part of precision is to be as unique as humanly viable. Even if the documents you create are for a sophisticated and technologically sophisticated consumer group, your documentation must focus on a system’s information or product use. However, this can be a hard feat to perform if you write to your audience. Never assume that the reader is aware of something about the product or system be documented, but within the case of superior/expert users, as a minimum, have the common sense to recognize the reality that they probably no longer need to be instructed a way to use the gadget they function on day by day basis. When describing a way to carry out a particular activity or venture, pick out each degree concerned (a wide variety of them if this fits the conventions of the document kind you are creating), and to ensure the accuracy of what you have written, test it yourself, or maybe better, rope in a volunteer of the equal competencies level as the cease consumer.

Choose the proper tool for the activity.

Although creating technical documents using parchment and blood is viable, it is not beneficial. Many expert software program packages exist to help you create effective documentation. A part of your duties as a technical creator consists of choosing the proper tool for the activity. Largely, this depends on the nature of the documents being produced and the character of their eventual distribution. If the files can be brought to the Internet, this is genuinely a street to don’t forget. To that end, use packages such as Flash MX and Dreamweaver to reap this goal. For integrated online help, you can create raw HTML files or pick an expert package that includes RoboHelp. In the case of print-based, total documents, you’ll need to choose a software program package deal powerful enough to deal with what you’ll throw at it.


Many green technical authors flip towards Microsoft Word (as it is ubiquitous in many additional commercial and personal environments). Unless your documentation is below 150 pages, and you know how to create templates and make macros, keep away from MS Word. As any technical creator will tell you, it has nasty habits and might frequently be an unstable package deal to paint with. If you’re creating photo-heavy documentation, you may want to forget Quark Xpress or pick out potentially the enterprise chief inside the subject, Adobe Framemaker. Whatever software you pick out, you need to make sure you emerge as especially gifted with it, both by investing in schooling or using it daily!

Communicate – that’s what you’re paid to do!

Many people will inform you that growing technical documentation is tedious and repetitive. These human beings are wrong and probably morons too. Although you could locate the method of making technical documentation ‘uninteresting’ (if you do, you’re in the incorrect task!), it is not. Creating fine technical files is vital in permitting humans to use the era correctly and efficiently. Although no person will technique the documentation you make in an equal manner as the method is unique, you can, in the long run, help them achieve what they need to reap the usage of technology. There is no reliance on how ‘dull’ the procedure may additionally look. Allowing customers to acquire their goals via reading your documents must come up with a hurry of satisfaction and happiness as long as you do not forget the fantastic outcomes that generation will have on human lives. At the same time, you create your files and can speak more efficiently, as you will be happier communicating. Throughout the documentation lifestyles cycle, you should liaise with colleagues as often as possible (if relevant). Let them examine your files, listen to their criticisms, and adjust your documents (if you cannot argue your corner!). A technical creator is paid to talk, make certain what you do, and never forget why you are communicating and to whom in the files themselves.