Backup Your Mac to Hidden Location With Rsync


This remaining weekend, I nearly lost all of the pictures. We have four children and feature heaps of pix. I had set up the user money owed on our Mac on an external mirrored drive related to Firewire. This was the main good; however, all the applications refused to attach this weekend because of a few weird permissions issues. I went through all forms of stuff to get it working; at the end of the day, I just created a new account. I copied all the files to the internal drive on the Mac, then modified the ownership of all the documents, and idea I became ready to go.

That became until my spouse went to make a Christmas ebook for her grandmother. Some of the photos had been missing, and all were blurry. The full-sized photographs have been long gone. I had to restore everything from Time Machine, which is right for the one’s style of things, so the whole thing turned out okay. But I have always been worried about what might occur if the Mac and the linked drives had been stolen. I may want to use a web backup service… But I don’t want to do this. There needed to be a higher way.

You might use the UNIX application sync to create a script to return every document to a remote sync server. I did not have one of those, but I did have a USB power connected to my home Wi-Fi router, so I figured I might want to set it up to duplicate the files to that. No cross. Rsync does not work thoroughly; connecting to a Samba server on the alternative gives up. I needed to set up a real sync server.


There became a vintage PC in the basement that I had installed an Ubuntu Linux duplicate on the last year. Setting up Ubuntu is ridiculously easy, mainly on a PC that may be a few years old. Go to, download the contemporary replica, put it on a USB stick, and boot to it. It sets up the entirety routinely.

As I researched this, I discovered that I could very effortlessly set up a rsync server on the Linux box and duplicate documents from the Mac, but it became too clean. It was too clean because rsync is not cozy. All the files were sent over my Wi-Fi unencrypted. I wouldn’t say I like doing things unencrypted and no longer protected by passwords. When safety is so clean to add to a gadget, doing things properly is worth taking some greater minutes.

I determined that you could install rsync over an encrypted ease shell (SSH). Furthermore, a function built into SSH permits trusted computers to log in without applying a username or password through public/private key encryption. So this is what I installed. I placed a simple line script on the Mac that I set to run as soon as per week, and it copies over just the modified files from the Mac to the Linux field hidden within the basement. I have moved to an 802.11n system, so the wireless runs best and speedy, properly shifting all the gymnastics pix and videos.

So, the procedure is as follows:

Give your Linux field a static IP deal so you can ssh to it. If you fancy, call it to your internal DNS server. I am not that fancy. Set up the Mac to SSH to the Linux container with signatures by using a key pair, making a cozy replica to the non-root user account at the Linux field (name it backup user or something like that), and placing it in the depended-on keys record. See this internet site on ssh-keygen Mac to see how it is achieved.

Make a listing in the Linux box to keep the backup files. I stored mine on the outside USB drive, creating a directory called /media/Volume/USB drive/mac_backup and giving the listing to the backup user at the Linux box. After you try this, you want to ensure that the USB power mounts while the Linux field is rebooted. Mine did not, so I needed to enter the /, and many others/fab reports to ensure it hooked up on boot.

Create a rsyncd.Conf record in the /domestic/backup user listing. This is the intricate component – do not configure the principle container’s rsync server or its rsync.Conf file. This is going to be a mini-rsync server. This is done when the Mac does ssh to the backup user account on the Linux container. Here is what the rsyncd. Conf file must appear to be:

  • path = /media/Volume/mac_backup
  • examine handiest = false
  • use chroot = false

Then, create the script in a text report on the Mac and name it something like rsync_backup_script.Txt. It needs to include something like this (the is for in which I needed to fit it onto this web page, do not type the and do put the entirety at the identical line. Also, replace @ for (at the person)):

rsync -av –delete –exclude ‘.DS_Store’ –rsh=”ssh -l backup user”

/Users/ backup user(at character)192.168.5.Five::mac_backup The rsync command copies any new or modified documents from the Mac to the Linux container. It also deletes any documents at the backup which have been deleted on the Mac.

Make the script executable. There is some manner to do that with the GUI. However, I open the terminal on the Mac, navigate to the directory with the record, and kind: do mod u+x rsync_backup_script.Txt. Now check the whole lot! You should move to it and execute the script by coming into the command line:


If that does not make a painting, you must step through the steps of the manner – ensure you may SSH without using a password, look at the file permithroughs on the Linux box, and check the rsyncd. Conf report, and even input the command at the Mac terminal line via itself to ensure the entirety works.


It will take hours for the primary backup if your device is something like mine. The script is an installation to compress any documents it could, and in Destiny backups, it will handiest switch the adjustments.
This isn’t constrained to backing up Macs. You can solve the equal issue with Windows containers by installing Cygwin on the Windows machine and using a comparable technique. Just create every other listing at the backup power and create a 2nd profile in the rsyncd. Conf record that uses an exclusive profile call points to the new pressure location, and you are off and walking. If you have to use your backup, you may use the alternative command to duplicate the files lower back to the Mac. Hopefully, you won’t try this, although! Something like this needs to work:


rsync -av –rsh=” ssh -l backup user” backup user at the person)192.168.Five.5::mac_backup /Users/
That is the entire workout. I have long passed through the Linux container documents and ensured they’re there, so I am satisfied. The field has no display screen or keyboard related to it, and it seems like a chunky vintage PC that no person desires. The noisy 1TB reflected difficult drives within the external array, which are a little noisy; that is another accurate motive to preserve it hidden away. Of course, I make a USB replica each time and take it to work. However, this is the backup to the backup to the backup. Hopefully, I will have proper copies of my documents for many years.