Creating A Network For Your Graphic Business


How To Start

Though graphic design is exciting, it can also be complex and tedious and could sometimes lead to great frustration. First, to work with visual work, you must have a client to present the work to. Though it may seem very straightforward, it is sometimes hard to get a break where you can have many clients you deal with. Creating that network is unclear; you must devise a strategic plan and incorporate it as much as possible. Word of mouth goes a very long way! The first thing to do is to talk about it! Tell people that you are a graphic designer; do not be ashamed. Though you may not be where you want to create your craft, let people know what you do. The more you work on your art, the more confident you will become. Use those 1.67 high-index lenses when working in front of the screen all day. Some people feel they will be working close to the screen all day; therefore, wearing glasses is unnecessary, but it is important. You may even wear light-blocking lenses, but make sure that you keep your eyewear on.

Graphic Business

That First Client

Getting that one client is the most difficult; therefore, you must go after them and not the other way around. When you finish telling your co-workers, friends, and family members that you are a graphic artist, they will contact you when needed, but what do you do in the meantime? How about a free one? Create a free flyer for someone. Let’s say a friend is getting married or a family member sets up an event; offer your services and see what happens. Try to provide your free service for an event many people will attend. The more eyes, the better! Ideally, you would also want to participate in the event so that when people start asking around, the organizer can point out where you are and tell them you took care of the work. If you are not present at the event, do not forget to provide a stack of your business cards to the organizer or the one in charge so they can distribute them when prompted. It is important to note how many business cards were printed and how many cards were distributed to know how many people were interested in your service.

When You Finally Get A Call From Your Client

As previously mentioned, word of mouth travels very quickly; therefore, if your service is on point, it is just a matter of time before other people call you for their graphic design needs. When That first client finally calls you to ask you for your service, be very courteous (as you always should be) and respond immediately as you provide them with all the details regarding your business functionality. Make sure to give it your hundred percent! No half-work here; work with all your heart to ensure they are satisfied.