The Law Review – Laws of Attraction


In this collection of articles on Universal Law, we will explore the laws, or a subset of them, and recognize how we must work with them and how their violations can impact our lives. This installment will include identifying ten legal guidelines that will give you a solid foundation and expertise of the Laws and how you may begin to manage your lifestyles and make your facts.


The Law of Karma states that we, as human beings, are accountable for all of our moves and, hence, must take charge for any motion committed that results in poor outcomes for oneself or others. Also known as the” Law of motive and effect,” this Law is irrevocable and key to retaining stability in the Universe. So, we recognize and anticipate justice while we stray from righteous action. This Law also applies to our wonderful activities and must be understood to preserve our lives and guide ourselves toward our soul’s genuine future.

If you have seen “My Name is Earl,” you may see a splendid instance of how one man interprets his existence’s moves and tries to equalize his awful moves so that reality will begin to float greatly. While very funny, it is not far off from fact. One of the most critical things people need to grasp about this Law is that Karma no longer always seeks balance immediately, nor will its reaction correlate precisely to your action. For example, every terrible element Earl did became not equalized through Karma without delay; in truth, his debt accrued after winning the lottery – wham, Karma was given to him.

So, timing is not going to be unique to Karma. Often, Karma will try to find balance when things are going nicely, and you’re doing the proper element, so you may find yourself shaking your fist in the air and saying, “Why God.” The truth is, those terrible occurrences in our lives result from a few actions we did in the past days, weeks, months, years, or even lifetimes. Because our reminiscences are brief periods, we forget about our beyond movements and normally go into depression over our self-created state of affairs.

 Laws of Attraction


This Law states that the concept precedes all advent. Subsequently, electricity follows the idea that energy wishes most effectively to be guided with the aid of thought, and the creation process begins. OK, permits reflect consideration on this one. Nothing exists until our mind says it does. Wow! That is a powerful idea. But think about it: if someone informed an American settler in 1850 that guy would tour to the moon or that we would journey around the arena in metal canisters up in the sky and make it from Boston to California in less than 6 hours, they might think you were certifiable. Our thoughts ought to conceive of a concept and position power in our bodily international.



The Law of Manifestation, additionally known as the Law of Attraction, requires that we accept as true within the precept that “what we want for our evolution will be provided with the aid of the Universe”. If what we choose and ask for is worthy, and we agree that it’s available to us while we ask for it, it will be brought. The key to using this regulation is discovering the right approach to making the request. And it must harm no person. This way, it should have truly no terrible effect on any celebration, immediately or in a roundabout way. Otherwise, Karmic debt comes into play.

This is the basis of what we believe are miracles and why prayer is so powerful. The Universe will supply if you ask for, think, visualize, pay attention, and act! It certainly is that simple; the gotcha is usually tied to our capacity to trust. When you’re in the depths of poverty, and anybody around you is melancholy, it could be tough to accept as true, and you certainly need to believe your manner out of poverty. Yet, it does appear and appear often.


The Law of Respect calls for us, without a doubt, to understand our moves and requests and is the key to creating suitable requests for manifestation. This isn’t always the honor we consider on a daily foundation, but the respect that is aware of what it approaches while saying “harm no person” and “appreciate all life”. You need to appear deep within yourself and understand the effect of your movements. This is most often evidenced when we comment after a terrible prevalence, “Well, it became not my purpose,” but the “outcome is the outcome” and can’t be retaken, and you’re accountable. Work with the Law of Respect, and the secrets and techniques of the Universe can be found out to you, and existence becomes bliss and ecstasy. Follow the Path of your action to its conclusion for all people impacted, without delay and circuitously, and you may understand your stage of appreciation inside the state of affairs.


The Law of Gratitude states that strength follows a described direction, so while it’s far generated, it travels out on the arc line of the Universe and needs to go back to its beginning. So it is written. This may be a tough one to comprehend. I frequently have college students ask me when I tell them to be grateful for the entirety, the best, and the terrible, that negativity can be undone during gratitude. This is the cause of why…Gratitude generates effective strength and returns to the originator untold presents from the Divine Realms. So, while we’re grateful and continue to be positive in a poor scenario, the strength we create can undo the negative because wonderful electricity is exponentially more powerful than poor electricity. And, it is the cause why when we express our gratitude in reality for the “correct things” in our lives, we acquire even extra “true things.” So when terrible matters manifest, recall thanking God, thank the Spirit, your Creator, and the Universe…It works!!!


The Law of the Vacuum states that the Universe cannot tolerate a void (consider a black hole), and consequently, while it reveals one, it will fill it; being aware of that is crucial to operating with it. This is the key to how our international get out of manipulating. Consider approximately how your thoughts work while you are not centered and focusing on something…Do now not your mind come crashing down upon you? And then consider how it works if you have a million activities. I know I am infinitely extra efficient after being busy; I appear so you can take on ten more tasks. Take on too much, and I don’t comprehend I am on the threshold of a crash. Yet, after I am not running and enjoying, the day slips by, and I say, “Where did all of the time cross?”

Another proper instance of this regulation in action is pondered in our relationships. Have you ever been in dating that wasn’t working? However, did you stay because you were afraid of being by me? This fear and attachment to what we have prevented us from making the gap and motion in our lives for something new and higher. This Law points us closer to stability…If there is an excessive amount of area, chaos ensues, not sufficient, and we get stuck. The vacuum creates movement. So, while we step on the Path, what do we do? We get unstuck or unattached. When we step on the Path, we are typically at a point where existence isn’t running for us; we are ready to let go of something as a way to effect change in our lives. This choice creates area, and the greater we paint ourselves, the more the Universe moves and starts to fill the void. Move too fast at the Path; the vacuum will carry in more than you can handle, and chaos ensues.

Knowing how and working with this Law makes it possible, without a doubt, to begin to take manage of life and allow your new truth to emerge. When we paint with this regulation well, we expend the least strength to get the exchange. How often can we hear human beings say, “Why does life have to be so hard?” Well, I am here to tell you it does not. So keep in mind, while your moves are accurate… or packed with Light…Then, the vacuum will fill the void with Light-stuffed existence at a pace the human mind can tolerate.


You say, “Subsequently, we get to the good stuff.” Not so speedy… It’s miles all suitable stuff, and money is simply every other image for strength; a container to talk and what we use to create is far attached. Hence, while we acquire and do not have the right proportion, poverty regulation will kick in. But if we gain, with the motive of giving back, then the Law of 10 Fold go back kicks in. Money obtained in alignment with all the previous laws will reap nothing but high-quality matters into your lifestyles. Money not properly earned or abused, as soon as made, will have poor effects on your life.


Poverty is a power field, just like cash is. The Law of Poverty has many layers to it. Poverty can mean a lack of money, fitness, success, happiness, etc…You get the photo.

B. I do not deserve it -Those who work hard don’t feel earning what they achieve will continue to be in a country of poverty. Have you ever felt responsible while you do nicely and feature more than a person else? If you experience bad about what you have, you will never get hold of what you sincerely deserve…Irrespective of how tough your figure is.

C. The World owes me — Those who feel justified in being idle and no longer running for what they need in lifestyles and take from others what no longer belongs to them, either actually or figuratively. This consists of taking credit for other human beings’ ideas and paintings.

D. Blessed and didn’t know it – And what of individuals blessed with appropriate fortune, be it cash, health, happiness, and many others? (and possibly benefits that were earned in previous lifetimes) They misuse these advantages with the aid of not information that they have surely been given in this lifetime, thereby generating some other cross at the karmic wheel of lifestyles. Have you ever met someone who has it all and does not admire or even know it?

E. Scrooge — Those who’ve it all comprehend it and keep it to themselves. We know the expression, “Penny clever and pound silly,” that is them.

F. Attached — What approximately those who emerge as overly attached to an idea or manner of lifestyles, you realize, “can’t see the wooded area for the bushes.” I soon had a purchaser who came to me and told me that a psychic instructed her she could meet a brand new man in her life and that he could be blond. She then became so fixated on seeking out that guy that once the Universe sent her a person and he became tall, dark, and handsome, she let him move. What a disgrace!

G. The self-pleasing prophesies — Those terrible souls who trust they were cursed in this life or sense unworthy. They manifest their ideals.

H. The Victim -The character who’s a victim of collective Karma, born into poverty or an impoverished state. Knows –Those whose subconscious has buried guilt and shame so deep that the person can not discover their way out of their poverty without help. If you are in poverty and do not see yourself on the list, that is possibly your root cause.

J. Looking in all the wrong locations — finally, some folks feel that prosperity is external and look for it out of doors themselves and do not recognize the shift they must make within.


Ahh, now this is a superb one… And one of the satisfactory motives for living within the Law. This Law states that while you provide (for a while, money, love, and many others.) with spiritually natural intentions, the Universe will go back to you a fortune identical to or more than tenfold the original present. This Law works superbly with the Law of the Vacuum and inspires high magic. Ever wonder why a few humans have all of the success…


And finally, we come to the Law of Co-Creation, which states that exponential electricity returns. Where two work collectively, they have the power of four; hence, 10 have the energy of 100. You get the photograph. And this, my dear buddies, is why I consider “you could exchange the arena.”


Rose Siple, Spiritual Teacher and Physician of the Soul

Rose’s ardor is assisting others in awakening the divine seed inside. We connect with this Divine Seed within us through the awakening of focus. “What better way to spend your life than assisting human beings on the Path? My cognizance is to honor the teacher within all people and to nurture each individual’s process of increase and unfoldment”. She is licensed as a Bio-Metaphysical Physician (Harmonium practitioner) with Joseph Michael Levry, a Reiki Master, and Karuna Reiki Master, Licensed in Color and Sound Healing, Trance Healing, Past Life Therapy, Inner Child Adult Integration Therapy, and many different metaphysical healing modalities. As a Physician of the Soul, Rose has studied many distinctive modalities. Her desired healing technique is Harmonium, a powerful transcendental healing machine born out of Universal Kabbalah. However, she also works with many other modalities and works with the patron to decide on an appropriate session to pursue.