Video Game Review – Victor Vran Overkill Edition


It has been stated that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Then, once more, the flipside to that familiarity breeds contempt. Victor Vran, by Haemimont Games (of Tropico reputation), splendidly straddles that ever-so-thin line between both. An action RPG with a storyline steeped in Grimm’s fairy tales (the titular Vran is a demon hunter and will properly be a relation to Van Helsing himself), the sport leans heavily closer to days past of Baldur’s Gate or, extra recently, the likes of Blizzard’s Diablo and its ilk. It’s been comfortable to be had for the first-class part of two years on PC, but the simplest now could be it seeing the light of day on the console, such as both the Fractured Worlds and the new Motörhead Through The Ages DLC.


An isometric motion RPG, Vran’s Tale, and settings cannot be anything new; however, as an instance of its genre, it must be up there as one of the most enjoyable romps. Some parents like their games to be scary and to assign their wondering. As for me, generally, a sport has to entertain and interact. I can forgive Tale as long as the gameplay dynamics amuse me. That one simple, three-letter word. Gaming, for me, is a launch, an escape, a way of allowing me to overlook the humdrum of day-to-day life in trade for adventures in some other international. Victor Vran gives me that launch, that blast of fun with tons of enthusiasm!


As RPGs cross, it doesn’t disguise behind multiple talent lessons, overly complicated ability trees, or convoluted gadget stats. It maintains matters enormously simple, which works for the sport’s gain. In Victor Vran, you stage up as you develop via the sport; there is no want to worry about picking a specific magnificence to aid your play fashion, no wish to hold an eye fixed on XP to unlock unique skills. At most, you’re given a choice of 3 bonuses whenever you level up. This could be a new weapon, potions, or buffs using Destiny playing cards. This fashion of RPGing fits me to a tee as it allows you to mix up your play on the fly without the need to reduce and start characters from scratch. It’s also ideal for the sort of gameplay common in Victor Vran.

Battling your way through the game, you’ll usually have two guns. I’m partial to a heady mix of the ranged and heavy way to my lightning gun and hammer blend, but there are also daggers, swords, shotguns, pistols, grenade launchers, and, thanks to the Motorhead enlargement, guitars (go with it here folks). They all experience suitably exclusive and also include secondary attacks that may be spammed thanks to a cooldown for every. It’s a nice little bit of a strategic blend into the game. Watching the cooldown timer creep again as you discover yourself overrun with the aid of enemies tends to have you walking approximately like a headless chook caught in a persistent bullet hell. Did I say approach? Running away tends to work quality for me until I consider that I have any other weapon that tends to shop my bacon!

The guns aren’t your most effective savior in the game, though; consumables such as a region of effect bombs and demon powers are also at your disposal to make you, in instances, sense like a one-person demon-looking navy. While models you can get without problems, it can be gratifying (when you consider) pulling out a fireplace bomb to lay waste to all the ones around you or using your demon powers to rain down a warm fireplace from hell. These moments are regular occurrences for every pretty rattling big degree and keep you sated in the steady and continual quest for killer loot. They’re adding a key component to this hunt, kill, loot, repeat cycle.

Enemies do turn out to be quite much of a muchness, adhering to the standard kinds in this sort of recreation, it must be said; skeletons, ghouls, elementals, spiders, and scorpions all make way for the inevitable give up of stage boss battles. It’s fine, though, because Victor Vran has another nice contact up its sleeve, as each region additionally consists of five secondary targets to paint your way via and return to if you need to at a later date (as all enemies re-spawn in case you leave). Usually, these goals involve skill ratings, secrets and techniques, and death using a required weapon. They’re an outstanding inclusion and are a large part of supporting you to stage up and reap precise loot. Haemimont even uploads another layer onto this in a few areas, where you can also upload modifiers inside the way of hexes that now not handiest up the risk level but increase the capability for reward.Vran

Away from the gameplay, I was given to take my hat off to the writing, acting, and tune. Yes, I know The Tale isn’t going to win any Booker Prize awards. However, the sport grabs you in other approaches, gameplay apart. The gorgeous Doug Cockle’s tones are so right away recognizable that you may almost have an idea Geralt himself had inhabited Victor’s body. The writing right here, particularly the communication between Victor and our unseen narrator, is quite rattling, delicious, mocking, international-weary, and tongue-in-cheek. There’s an air of self-attention going for walks during, with a few first-rate popular culture references and gaming nods that make me applaud the wit.

The tune in the course is likewise hauntingly melancholic at instances. Sounds of harpsichords, lutes, and greater, I’m certain, to give it an actual world experience… except you feel like rocking out to the killer says of Motorhead conventional all through the unusual extra DLC!

All these factors come together to offer you an aRPG that’s not just a familiar romp but manages to marvel and pleasure in methods you perhaps didn’t suppose became feasible any greater on this style.

Score: 9/10

+ Easy to pick up and play
+ Beautifully imagined tiers
+ All. The. Loot.

– Can grow to be quite the grind
The storyline isn’t particularly sturdy