Should I Get Certified As A Windows Phone Developer?


An increasing number of cell builders are now requesting the query about going into Windows Phone developmentting a query about going into Windows Phone development. With Windows Phone being the quickest-developing cellular working machine in 2013, Microsoft doubled its marketplace share inside the cell enterprise in the year. But is becoming a certified Windows Phone Developer a terrific concept now? In this article, we urge you to think carefully.

windows phone app developer

While the Windows Phone market percentage has been growing step by step in 2013 (making it the third most-used cell-running device after Android and iOS), the giant made its closing declaration for main the cellular global by buying Nokia in September.

So now, Microsoft’s essential undertaking appears to be developing a powerful environment for phones and tablets. There will surely be a high call for Windows Phone Developers as they go along. Even now, Microsoft’s no longer going horrifically: with the mixing of SkyDrive, Office Mobile, Office 365, etc., the company is sure at the right music. Yet, there is still a lot to work on, mainly inside smaller/inexpensive client apps, to step up the opposition with the leader, Google’s Android. Not noticeably, in this example, the MCPD: Windows Phone Developer certification may additionally appear to be an excellent choice for you, as there will sincerely be a rising call for Windows Phone app builders. Yet, as commonly occurs, matters are a touch more complicated than they may appear. We’ll attempt to convince you that you will need at least a few HTML five know-how up to the factor. At the same time, MCSD: Windows Store Apps certification can be a better lengthy-term intention (in preference to the previous MCPD: Windows Phone Developer you’ll be eying).

Is there something incorrect with MCPD: Windows Phone Developer Certification?

Where do we begin? The thing is, this certification is strongly targeted at Silverlight. This is fine, considering that this is what Windows Phone development is now primarily based on. Yet, it may not be so good when you remember that Microsoft has a pretty good deal that dropped Silverlight in 2011. Additionally, the certification includes the 4th model of Silverlight among its steps, even though the platform was up to date to Silverlight five again in 2011. So why have they not been up to date on the certification yet? Although it will be supported till 2021, you ought not to be a genius to consider that it might not last that long: Microsoft has announced it would be transferred to HTML five instead. Why might Microsoft kill its proprietary era? Just look a few years back, and it’ll be clean.

History Repeats

Two years after his loss of life, Steve Jobs remains the trendsetter of the tech world. And we are speaking about not his gadgets (and the recent lack of Apple’s innovation). Do you remember the outrage caused by Apple’s selection no longer to guide Flash on its devices? This way, Apple created the AppStore concept we realize nowadays: getting access to stuff you need through apps, which, in turn, brings large monetization capacity to the owners.


Looking again, you’ll know that the warfare between Apple and Adobe over Flash prompted the HTML5 we use nowadays. In 2011, Microsoft moved far from Silverlight and closer to HTML5, accordingly finalizing the door on its proprietary generation. The business enterprise admitted it might be losing its efforts to make Silverlight the main go-platform runtime for the web and the computer.

What Exactly is Silverlight?

Microsoft Silverlight allows writing and walking through Internet applications like Adobe Flash. Silverlight’s runtime environment is to be a plug-in for internet browsers going for walks under Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. Silverlight can supply video streaming. It has been used for the NBC coverage of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, and the 2008 conventions of the USA Democratic and Republican events. Until recently, it’s been utilized by Netflix to enable its immediate video streaming, but the carrier has introduced its transfer to HTML5 inside the close to Destiny.

Silverlight had compatibility problems with browsers for years, and many developers weren’t loopy about its capabilities. Yet, it achieved its assignment of a familiar platform for disseminating rich online content material, with online video streaming being exceptional and the brightest. Convenient? Yes! But as a person, might you buy an app for something you could get without one, simply through your browser? We did not assume so. And neither did Microsoft. So now the employer treats its technology exactly the way Apple dealt with Adobe’s Flash years in the past. This platform isn’t something Microsoft can remove within a day: the enterprise will assist Silverlight 5 till 2021. Although it may nonetheless appear a long way away, it’s miles apparent that HTML5, a faster and leaner generation, will take its place. Because Adobe has dropped Flash as a cellular platform for being too strength-consuming and sluggish, it is only a reminder of time until Microsoft does the same with Silverlight (even though it’s not nearly as heavy).

windows phone app developer

Moreover, Microsoft is now confronted with the want to capitalize on its Windows Phone and Nokia funding, and that is something Bill Gates’ organization can yet again study from their founder’s lifelong rival, Mr. Steve Jobs: heading closer to a lean and consistent app store-based totally surroundings, in which computing device and cell surroundings are harmonically aligned, and the monetization potential is high. With Windows Phone displaying the highest growing quotes this year, Microsoft appears to be at the proper song eventually.


So, this article suggests that even though having the MCPD: Windows Phone Developer certification may be very beneficial these days (to get the process you want ASAP), you must remember that the technology may be very likely to exchange soon. And, if you already own a Windows Phone Developer certification, you could severely need to consider choosing a number of that HTML5 and JavaScript understanding you may eventually need – on a professional stage. So, DO keep in mind MCSD: Windows Store Apps to be safer in this ever-changing tech world.