Important Safety Items Police Officers Must Have


As police officers have to face and handle criminals, robbers, murderers, and suspects daily, their job is quite difficult. The opponent can attack them anytime, and for this reason, their life is always at risk. Also, they must be part of protests and riots to prevent situations from worsening. They must put their lives in danger to save others, so they must keep all the safety items along. Having safety gear available on duty, they can fearlessly do their job.

 Police Officers

If you are also in the police force, you must know all the essential equipment you need to have when on duty. To help you, I have listed all the safety items below.

Body armor – 

The first and essential thing you need as a police officer is body armor. The right body armor can prevent officers from attacks. They can focus on performing their duty when they know they are safe. While buying it, check its specifications so that it fits you perfectly. Unfit body armor will not protect you efficiently from bullets, so buy body armor of your size only. Never buy any ballistic vest you see; do thorough research and select a quality product to serve you for years to come.

Ballistic helmet –

 We all know that the head is the most crucial part of our body. One shot of a gun can put a precious life to an end. For this reason, you must buy a ballistic helmet to keep yourself safe.

Mandatory duty weapon – 

Officers are generally provided with basic duty weapons. Thus, you need not buy it. You must ensure that it is in a perfect operating state. Also, it would help if you did not forget to carry it before leaving home. It has been heard that many guns that are not cleaned and maintained don’t work on time, and because of this, the criminals run away. Check your weapon regularly if you don’t want to be held responsible for such situations.

Flashlight –

 Whether you are on duty at night or during the day, you must have a flashlight. You never know where you might need it. If possible, also have a backup flashlight in your patrol car.

Comfortable boots –

 It is paramount to feel comfortable on duty. How will you run in urgency if your boots/shoes are irritating and make you feel tired soon? So, buying a comfortable pair of shoes is highly suggested as you may have to wear them for a longer period.

Medical Kit – 

If you or your fellow officer gets injured, you can provide them with first aid if you have the medical kit. So, never forget to carry it.

Water –

 Being a police officer, you can’t say no to the job assigned to you when it is too hot outside. So, do carry a water bottle along to stay hydrated.