Four Effective Ways of Designing Marketing Collaterals


Today, graphic designing is doing all the talking. It is everywhere you look, from logo design to website layouts. Organizations have started investing much time into marketing collateral best practices to ensure their content is communicated effectively to potential buyers. To put simply enough, marketing collaterals are the materials used to support selling a company’s product or service. Traditionally, it included printed brochures and business cards, but it now prevails around all offline and online media after its transition phases. Even the marketing departments shift their budgets towards them to build their brand and effectively support their sales efforts.

Designing Marketing Collaterals

Note that bland stuff doesn’t do much if it isn’t created with the right type of audience in mind. To draw more people, you must develop specific messaging to engage the audience in particular situations. Don’t produce collateral just for the sake of it. Rather, think of something powerful and eye-catching. If you are wondering how then keep reading further. Look at these four amazing ways to guide you in creating the most effective marketing collaterals:

Focus on the Customers, Not Your Company

You have to get this straight- the message you roll out to customers should align with your clients/customers’ needs and not yours. Going too promotional or repetitive can put off even your existing customers. So, ensure you speak to your key customers when you design collaterals and provide them with the valuable information they need.

Use More Visuals

Graphical elements in your collateral keep your audience engaged and, at the same time, guide them through every stage of their buying cycle. Using a perfect balance of content with great imagery can help tell your story better than you can verbally. However, you have to be careful about the selection of images. Search for the ones that relate to your business very closely and illustrate the important message.

Pay Attention to the Quality

This is where most of the companies try to cut their costs. They compromise on the type of paper used for brochures, the rails used for retractable banners, and even image quality. However, they don’t realize that it makes your brand look utterly unprofessional and immediately creates a negative first impression. So, never be afraid to try something different and present your clients with the best image possible. Invest in unique and quality materials to stand out from the crowd.

Make Sure it is Repurposed.

Even when your event is over, and the collateral has served its purpose, you should not hesitate to utilize it differently. Repurpose your physical collateral by handing it over to the sales team whenever they visit a new client. You can use your digital collaterals again by converting an old blog into an infographic. All you need is a bit of creativity to extend the life of your valuable marketing collaterals.